Los Alamos Pediatric Clinic

Here are the forms for Dr. Krohn's office.

You may print them out, fill them in and bring them into your apointment,


You may save them to your computer, fill them in by typing into the fields and bring them into your apointment.

Collected forms pdf link

Financial Policy, Paitent Information and HIPPA Forms
HIPPA pdf form link

Records Release Form
Contract for teen drivers pdf link

Contract for teen drivers Form

The Ages and Stages Questionnaires are below.

You may print them out, fill them in and bring them into your apointment,

2 months old  4 months old  6 months old  8 months old  9 months old  10 months old 
12 months old  14 months old  16 months old  18 months old  20 months old  22 months old 
24 months old  27 months old  30 months old  33 months old  36 months old  42 months old 
48 months old  54 months old  60 months old